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Project management

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What is project management?

Project management is the management of human and material resources to achieve an objective within a defined time, a set of coordinated and controlled activities including start and end dates, undertaken with the aim of achieving an outcome conform to specific requirements.

Project management covers all the tools, techniques and methods that allow the project manager and the associated team, to lead, coordinate and harmonize the various tasks performed within the framework of the project so that it meets the explicit and implicit needs for which it was undertaken.

Project management is similar to management in general, but incorporates the temporary and unique character of projects. We distinguish :


  • project governance, which ensures the strategic management of the project and which defines the framework within which the project fits, in particular the responsibilities, the decision-making mechanisms, the budget and the deadline;
  • project management processes, which aim to manage the project and its activities, planning over time;

  • the production processes, which define the "project life cycle"


Project management contributes to improving the overall organization of the company.

Role of the project manager

Their role is to define specifications and a schedule of resources and tasks, manage deadlines, costs and schedules, manage and monitor of subcontractors, oversee testing and commissioning and provide final acceptance. The project manager is thus often compared to an orchestra conductor.


The project manager plays an essential role through the communication that he establishes between the different actors of the project. They link the client to the project team, formalize the information and transmit it to the various managers. A project manager thus optimizes the realization of the product by means of effective communication.


The objective of this communication is the coordination of the use of means to achieve the objective of the project.

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  • Establishment of project teams
  • Project management / Project manager

  • Monitoring of deadlines, budget and quality, risks, progress

  • Implementation of planning, dashboards, customer documentation

  • Outsourcing management

  • Logistics management


  • Establishment of the Project team, definition of positions and the organization chart

  • Establishment of the specifications with the technical services

  • Implementation with the technical services of the specifications

  • Estimating of necessary human & material resources, equipment, services


  • Appointment of a planning officer

  • Establishment of an implementation schedule with the various stakeholders, customers, subcontractors, project manager.

  • Map out the GANTT and PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technic) diagrams

  • Project cost tracking curves

The execution

  • Definition and formalization of contracts.

  • Definition of the method of implementation.

  • Communication with multiple stakeholders.

  • Supply management, pre-manufacturing, on-site assembly

  • Capitalization of experience.

Monitoring and control

  • Deadline management.

  • Budget management.

  • Quality monitoring. inspection and supervision of manufacturing.

  • Risk control.


  • Management of intervention ends

  • Claim management

  • Reception of equipment, materials, services defined by the project

  • Delivery of the builder or final project file

Steps in project management

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